Boulder, CO. – Six-year-old Boulder based Upslope Brewing Company continues to show signs of rapid growth. By surpassing the 15,000-barrel mark in sales for the first time during 2014, Upslope reached their goal of becoming a regional craft brewery one year ahead of schedule.
After a record setting year in 2013, Upslope remains on the fast track to success. In 2014 they exceeded forecasted production by brewing and selling 19,600 barrels, an increase of 66 percent over the previous year. The strong growth in 2014 was fueled by increased demand in their home market of Colorado as well as expanded distribution to Texas, Arizona and Wyoming. Also driving sales was the introduction of a fifth Limited Release style, the Thai Style White IPA, and Upslope’s new, experimental Lee Hill Series. The series, announced in July 2014, earned high praise within the craft beer community – Volume One achieved the number one ranking in Paste Magazine’s “Best New Beers of 2014.”
The recent addition of a new centrifuge, canning line, cold room and three more 120-barrel fermenters will bring brewing capacity to 35,000 barrels, allowing Upslope to expand distribution to Montana and New Mexico in the upcoming months.
“With the addition of Montana and New Mexico Upslope will now be distributed, border-to-border, throughout the Intermountain West,” says Henry Wood, Director of Sales and Marketing. “This will put the freshest beer into market areas where we love to work and play.”
Also planned for 2015 is the introduction of an additional 12 oz. Limited Release style and the continuation of the Lee Hill series.
About Upslope Brewing Company
Boulder-based Upslope Brewing Company is the creator of premium ales and lagers that are artfully crafted using natural ingredients. Packaged in aluminum cans for exceptional portability, and because it’s best for the environment, Upslope complements the outdoor lifestyle and caters to the on the-go beer enthusiast. The five flagship beers include: Pale Ale, India Pale Ale, Brown Ale, Craft Lager and Imperial India Pale Ale. Additional installments are offered in a Limited Release Series. In an ongoing effort to protect Colorado watershed, and the key ingredient in Upslope ales and lagers, one percent of Upslope Craft Lager’s revenue benefits Colorado Trout Unlimited. Learn more about Upslope at