Natchez, MS – Natchez Brewing Company, now located at 207 High Street in Natchez, about 90 minutes from downtown Baton Rouge, has completed its transition into a bigger brew house that includes a larger brewing system and a new taproom. The brewery currently offers tours every Wednesday, noon-3:30p, and Saturday, noon-5:30p, so visitors can learn about brewing, sample the great craft beers and enjoy the beautiful city of Natchez.
“We love having people come by to learn about and try the beers we make here in Natchez. Plus, we just built a new bar and outdoor deck and have bocce ball court coming, so it’s fun time to hangout and have a beer beyond the brewery tours!” – Patrick Miller, Head Brewer
This expansion into a new brew house is crucial in facilitating two big changes for Natchez Brewing:
1. The bigger brew system (15 barrels) was needed so Natchez Brewing could scale-up beer production before launching into Baton Rouge and New Orleans – two heavy beer-drinking cities that are rapidly adopting craft beer.
2. The taproom capitalizes on a new Mississippi state law change, which will come into effect July first of this year, that allows its breweries to sell a modest percentage of their beer directly to the consumer from the brewery.
“I deer hunt up around Woodville and Natchez, and my girlfriend and I have always just enjoyed spending time in that area, so it was great to find out that we could start dropping in on the brewery taproom every time we’re in the neighborhood. Old Capital IPA was my favorite of their beers – great hoppy pick for the summer.” – Sean Gahan, Baton Rouge Resident
Natchez Brewing Company is located in historic downtown Natchez, Mississippi. Natchez Brewing distributes beer throughout all of Mississippi, has signed with Marsala Beverage Company for Northern Louisiana distribution, and anticipates a late-summer launch into Southern Louisiana.