Covington, KY — We are extremely excited to announce a new beer focused on highlighting and developing the area we call home. On June 13th, “Trophy,” an American Pale Ale single hopped with Hull Melon hops, will be released.
“We wanted to blow people away with Trophy, and I truly believe the beer we’ve created is going to do that,” said Evan Rouse, Co-Founder and Head Brewer. “We are using Trophy as a playground to feature unique and popular hops. The hops will change regularly, and I feel with the introduction of Hull Melon we’ve brought something completely new to the Greater Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky craft community. This hop features flavors and aromas reminiscent of honeydew melon, apricot, and strawberry. It will give you a new perspective on what a pale ale can be.”
The use of rare hops means that each time Trophy is brewed, the hop variety will change. While the recipe will remain the same, the variance in hops will give each release a unique flavor profile. The hop variety will change quarterly.
In addition to unique hops, Trophy will focus on developing the area Braxton is so passionate about calling home. Braxton will donate 5% of all Trophy proceeds to special Covington community projects. Partnering with Cov10, Braxton will identify initiatives that help move Covington forward. Cov10 is an organization of ten anonymous individuals that grant funds to special projects in the community. While the individuals that comprise Cov10 remain anonymous, their work and funding is anything but behind-the-scenes.
“Cov10 is extremely excited about this partnership and what it means for people and projects that benefit our community,” said a Cov10 spokesperson. “Our combined efforts will allow us to fund more and/or bigger projects that will continue to make Covington an exciting place to live, work, and play!”
Trophy will be released and distributed in Northern Kentucky exclusively. It will be first tapped at Braxton’s Kickstarter Backer Party on June 13th at 11am. It will be available to the public at 4pm on June 13th — both in market and in the taproom located at 27 W. 7th Street in Covington.
Stagnaro Distribution will be helping Braxton share Trophy with the Northern Kentucky craft community. They are also sharing in the donation of Trophy proceeds by matching the 5% donation.
The “new Midwest” is a place where innovation and creativity are thriving. Braxton is excited to continue its contribution to this movement with the release of Trophy on June 13th. Combining the use of Hull Melon hops and donating 5% of Trophy proceeds, Covington and the Northern Kentucky craft community will surely benefit from this innovative and exciting Braxton initiative.