Back Pew Brewing

Back Pew Brewing

(281) 608-7526
Porter, TX
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Production - Micro
26452 Sorters Rd.
Porter, TX 77365-9998
Beer for all people-beer for any lifestyle. Houston, TX. Open at the brewery from noon to 5PM every Saturday. This page is managed by the crew at S&SBC to let everyone know where we are, what we're up to and how you can get in contact with us. S&SBC is aimed at bringing high quality lagers and ales derived from traditional German brewing techniques to the Houston, TX area. We have two main lines of beers: the Saint line and the Sinner line. The Saint line will always have a white background on any label or tap handle you see- this line is geared to sessionable high quality craft beer that is approachable for anyone wanting to try something new. We have made this easy to find because to be honest there are so many great labels out there that is can sometimes be hard to understand what you're really about to drink. So while the beer names will change with the style, anything we deem fitting to these parameters will have the white background. The Sinner line is just the opposite- this is where we get to truly push our brewing envelope and, while not unapproachable, will likely be higher in alcohol and contain more extreme flavors. These beers can quickly be identified by black labels and/or tap handles. Now, why did we do this? We have met a lot of people out there who truly want to get into craft beer, but the first time they go for it they get hit with Russian imperial stouts or big double IPA's. These beers are great (and we'll make some for sure), but it's hard to switch directly from a normal domestic to these. Thus, if you're one of these people, grab anything from the Saint line and give it a shot! This all isn't meant to say that only these drinkers should go Saintly for the evening. These types of beers were designed to be drank all day (can you say float trip?) and that is what we think the transition drinker is looking for. But we still have to feed our dark side, and the Sinner line is just that. We are here and available any time, so if you have any questions, want to come by or if you just want to nerd out about beer, let us know. Saints and Sinners Brewing Company: Beer for all people- beer for any lifestyle.
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