10/20/2018 -- NOT-toberfest


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Oktoberfest season may be over, but we don't care because it's NOT-toberfest!

Well, Oktoberfest season has come and gone. Many märzens and soft pretzels have been had. But we're still in the spirit, and frankly we don't care what season it is.

Welcome to NOT-TOBERFEST, our semi-Oktoberfest party in the middle of October. OKTOBERFEST. FOREVER.

THE FOOD: As is tradition at Duck Foot, this event will feature entirely Gluten Free food, this time from the brand new Wolfegarten German food truck.

THE BEER: Somewhat (read: totally) diverting from traditional Oktoberfest style, we'll be releasing a Bière de Garde that we brewed in collaboration with all-star homebrewer Nick Corona! Why? We get that you're a little festbiered out at this point, and it's probably from chugging all those steins while standing atop tables in lederhosen. We've all been there.

For this beer expect a malty but dry Belgian style has a copper-amber appearance and notes of biscuit, toffee, caramel, and a bit of spice. And that copper-amber color looks GREAT in our new custom glass steins....

- Glass Steins! They're cool as shit and feature our 'Zilla. They're available now in the tasting room so you can get one ahead of time and fill it the day of!
- Raffle! Again keeping with DF tradition, we'll be holding intermittent raffles to support Celiac Disease Research at UCSD Health. Come win fun stuff and help us help them cure Celiac's!

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Event listing posted on October 8, 2018 1:19AM